Yes, I know it's been a minute since I wrote a blog post, but who will agree that these last fifteen months have been like living in the Twilight Zone! Nonetheless, I hope and pray that everyone reading this is hanging in their and holding on to hope.
In the midst of lockdowns and COVID testing, I have started working in the garden and drawing more. As with many of you, I have been humbled by how fragile life truly is and I have searched for ways to normalize an otherwise abnormal situation. I will admit, at first my family and I were fighting major anxiety being cooped up together for three months straight. But then something amazing happened! We pulled out board games that had made their way to the back of the closet and we bought puzzles that occupied hours of our concentration. Yes, we had discovered the simple pleasure of spending time together! Oh, and did I mention that we SHUT OFF the news! It's so easy to become overwhelmed by everything going on in the world right now, and with the uncertainty of ones job, health scares, and being enundated with bad news, my family and I agreed to watch the news long enough to get the updates and then turn the news off.
Creatively speaking, I also put a lot of well spent time into working on my art. I completely redesigned my Etsy store and started creating fun, new artwork for my storefront. I am enjoying this process so much and I am so excited about the colorful ideas I have for my Etsy shop this coming Spring and Summer! Hint: watercolor botanicals🌸
I hope you take this journey with me in the coming months as we been to embrace the newness of Spring and the long, lazy days of Summer. I also pray that in the midst of our current world situations, that you find your creative spirit and spend time doing what brings you that sense of peace, normalcy, and joy.
Stay creative,
Yoli Fae